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Cinnamon, Cheap Heat, Celebrate Prize, Wet Specimens, Rixe
El Dorado Bar, 9.5.24

Who up on a Thursday night moshing n fucking around?

I was initially hesitant to come to this show. I don't really like 4th Street in Troy. Uncomfortable area. My friend was doing sound and insisted I come. "The headliner is from France!"

Since I haven't been at a show in 2 months, I was desperate to find something to go to. There was a show at No Fun, but I wasn't entirely interested. I love the venue but, I'll be honest, I'm not a huge fan of the space sometimes. This would also be the first time I use my Canon D60... I've been waiting to use it at a show since I got it but never had the time.

I arrived at the bar a little late... 7:45 PM. No sight of anyone remotely close to my age. If this was 2023, I would've probably bitched the fuck out feeling mildly anxious. Nowadays, I know what to expect and can sorta read the room at shows.

El Dorado prides itself on being a dive bar, so of course, the first thing you see when you walk in is the bar itself. The actual show itself was in the back of a venue, where a guy was taking only cash and had a bunch of wristbands to put on the concertgoers. No black X on my hand this time! They kinda annoy me sometimes. So straight-edge.

Anyhow... Crowded house. I was late to Cinnamon's set. They were a new hardcore band that formed only a few months ago, apparently. I don't have much to say about them, unfortunately. When it comes to bands that either; A., I'm not 100% engaged with their set, or B., standing all the way in the back where I can't see what they're doing, I usually forget completely about what I saw the day after. No shame to Cinnamon, though. This was a case of B. Also, no photos of their set. Again, I was all the way in the back.


Cheap Heat took to the stage next. This time I was able to get a comfortable spot at the front sidelines, a good vantage point for me to take photos, and to finally experience the show. They're pretty much your typical run-of-the-mill hardcore punk. Totally not bad, just nothing that really strikes me at first glance. The lead guy had some great punk energy... typical super-fast rhythmic singing... then of course, you had your usual 4/4 with lots of crash and alternating power chords. Apparently some people (I suppose) didn't like them. Hecklers threw water bottles occasionally. Punk.


Celebrate Prize. Celebrate FUCKING Prize. Curse word in the middle to emphasize celebrating the prize. I'm not kidding.

These guys were amazing. Everything hardcore I love bundled up into one great band. This band is the sole reason I will NEVER regret going to this show. The vocalist used metalcore screams with the best cadence. Every song they played felt like something new... Cinemechanica reborn in my eyes!


Rixe was last. They were a hardcore band from Paris, France. Most of the audience were anticipating their act... as the whole venue got more and more packed before they were to start. They were really enjoyable to see live, and interacted the audience with little quips of French.

The moshing during their set was particularly insane-- everyone was moving side to side like a giant wave was crashing between the two parallel walls. I haven't seen moshing this CRAZY in a while, and me, sorta being right next to it all happening, was purely amazing.


As you can see in the photos, they were pretty much almost moshing against me... I could've falled down as I was standing on a seat. I'm not even pissed about it, though. There's something invirogating about involving yourself near the moshing crowd and slipping up as people run around. El Dorado brought the DIY hardcore people in the city all to their venue-- and admittedly, these guys are FAR nicer and more respectful than the guys that you'd see at Empire Live/Underground.

think I'll ever forget this show. It feels great to go to one that actually leaves you with great permanent memories. I'll be returning!