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Vanna and the Von Bons, CPS, Everybody That Loves You, Prom Sex
Nofun, 3.8.24

I genuinely don't have much to say because the show was over a month ago and a huge blur in my head. All I can remember is that it was one of the most fun shows I've been to. Enjoy the photos.

Vanna and Vonbons

Local funky act.


It's CPS, not a huge fan this time around, but to give them credit, they got the whole venue energized. Same set as last month.

Everybody That Loves You

These guys are wild, energetic, and talented.

ETLY's Bandcamp

Prom Sex

The vocalist had no idea what he was doing. They had a cool video bender with a TV at the front.

Prom Sex's Bandcamp