This is a question that kind-of bugs me from time-to-time. I
spent a lot of time on this website, but it's really just my
creative outlet. I'm always delighted to get hits on the website,
but I always get a nagging feeling that lots of these people that
come through my website just scan through it and leave it without
much a feeling. It's fairly un-interactive since it's just...
well... pages. With text. And images... sometimes. I feel like I
should utilize this website a lot more to make something more of
it, be not only a creative outlet, but something beyond that.
Starting '23, maybe I should.... more of my favorite photos I've taken? Or, maybe other
things that I've created? List more things about me other than
just my interests? Write more journals and start writing about my
experiences in my daily life? Perhaps a more fully conceived and
complete redesign? More webpages? Promote the website more??
Dedicate my every fiber of my physical body to this imaginary
piece of paper that can be viewed by millions of computer
There's a lot on that list that I may end up not doing, and some
that I'll try to commit to. Bottom line is, for '23, hopefully
expect a lot more to be added to drk.ncts. I really would like to
go all-in on this project I started almost 2 years ago and to make
something more of it. The website is currently at version 3.2.
By December '23, version 4 should active
and live, if not in the process of being finished, and if not
that, started work on.
I hope everyone on Neocities will have a fantastic '23!
Ok... Just a little rant here, but ever since the
2020s have been the present time, it's been getting harder to
say the full years. I'm not going to verbally tell someone
"twenty-twenty-three"... That's just so tedious to say. At this
point, it's going to take one whole breath just to say it in
full. We should seriously normalize just saying that last two
digits numerically... Like "twenty-three". It's just so much
easier and MUCH cooler to say. I'm sick of having to set our
present time apart from the 20th century when it was totally
normal to talk about years like that. Who's with me!?